Or how to be your son's super hero
Your first priority as a father is your son’s safety. There is no doubt that you take good care of your son’s safety at home. But, how far does that protection reach your son when he is not at home? Did you know that a violent crime happens every 90 seconds in the U.S.?
That's quite an alarming statistic and you understand that your son’s safety extends far beyond your home. With violence on the rise, you should consider one crucial life skill that most parents overlook: self-defense.
Keep your son safe
Students at Tokon Martial Arts are taught not only to recognize potential dangers but also to defend themselves if necessary. Ensuring that your son learns this life-saving skill will give you- a parent- peace of mind and your son the ability to properly defend himself in a threatening situation.
So why do it together? Simply put: neither you or your son are immune to potential threats and violence; therefore, learning this skill is vital for any age.
Training together will not only allow you to support and guide him through this journey but also to bond and grow together.
Traditional Karate is not just an activity that you can practice into old age but also a path of physical, mental and spiritual growth.
When a father and son participate in karate together, it becomes a lifelong, bonding experience.
Bond with your son
If you are a father with a hectic work schedule, you may not be able to spend as much time with your son as you would like. Why not use your workout time to train together, get in shape and bond with your son?
Not many sports and activities give children and adults the opportunity to train next to each other or side by side- but karate does. Training together is a great way not only to see your son grow but also to guide him into adulthood.
How many fathers out there can say that they actively support their son’s growth and journey into adulthood- combined with physical, mental and spiritual growth? Traditional Karate is the most rewarding activity for you AND your son.
As an adult, you might know how important it is for a young man to have a male role model that can help initiate him into manhood. Practicing karate with your son will give him a safe, guided and healthy initiation that he will be thankful for the rest of his life.
Starting this journey together before your son enters his teenage years increases the chance of avoiding many problems that other parents may face: the emotional detachment of teenagers.
Be your son's role model
Connect with your son and his friends
Training together side by side will not only make it easier for you to stay connected but will also introduce you to his newly found circle of friends in the dojo. Your son may feel that his life and your adult life do not have common grounds- this is your opportunity to show him that this is not true.
Where else could you and your son share the same circle of friends.
No longer do you need to be the unanimous Mr. John to his friends but instead get a chance to be immersed with your son’s friends. The same will occur with your son as he trains with your adult friends. What a wonderful experience for both of you.
The challenges and struggles you may face during training become a teachable moment for the both of you.
Your struggles and conquering them will help you mentor your son.
Defeating physical and mental shortcomings are key moments where you can learn from one another. While generally speaking the adult has physical limitations or shortcomings the youngster has problems with focus, concentration and grasping the martial arts philosophies. Imagine what a great confidence booster it could be for your son to be able to show his father some moves.
Mentor your son
What an excellent opportunity for you to help him with mental toughness, perseverance, and spiritual growth.Enter your text here...
Guide your son and lead by example
Traditional Karate can be a great way for father and son to connect and to be a part of each other’s journey. Take on this rewarding journey and bound through this challenging activity over a lifetime.
At Tokon Martial Arts we have many families train together that take on this rewarding experience. If you want to be your son’s lifelong superhero, this might be a great way.
Tokon Martial Arts is located in Natomas Sacramento. You can learn more about our program at www.TokonSacramento.com.
Sensei Marcus