

Self-development is the arrowhead of all achievement in life. Many of the most successful people in the world are people who are sworn to a life of continual personal improvement. While the tools through which they carry out this improvement may differ, it stands as a constant principle.

Really and truly, it is not privilege, position or birth status that makes success a reality, it is the commitment to always do better, always give a 110%, and always surpass expectations that make the difference.


However, you can decide to begin on your own journey to self-development today, knowing that is a sure ingredient in your life if you want to attain your dreams. Through the Tokon Martial Arts Program that has been run by Sensei Marcus and Christina Hinschberger for over seven years, you can equip yourself with the right stools to begin your journey of personal growth.

This program will help you learn to build good habits; such as goal setting, learn to say NO to distractions, and achieve anything you set your mind to through the power of focus. Self-development learned during Martial Arts training is a skill that is easily transferable to every other area of life.


Through the training of traditional Martial Arts, you learn:

- How to motivate yourself for growth, to push yourself and never – never give up

- How to disengage from unexpected circumstanced to avoid breaking your spirit, 

- How to be more creative and resilient internally

- How to fight and win when the odds aren’t stacked in your favor

- How to build the habit of training regularly, and work to attain different levels of   proficiently over weeks, months and years

- How to develop the habit of practice and repetition which teaches you the value of working at something until you are close to perfection

- Ancient mental exercises that can help you increase focus, clarity, and determination

- Determination and an attitude that refuses to quit.

As the founder of Tokon Martial Arts in Sacramento, my wife Sensei Christina and I have helped thousands of people incorporate the habit of self-development into their daily routines, setting them up for success in life.

Under our Martial Arts program, you will learn to develop good habits and marshal the power of your mind to achieve your goals. You will see how to be self-motivated and develop a never give up attitude. You will learn how to fight and win against overwhelming odds, as well as how to become more resilient and determined.

These are things that I have taught for over thirty years and I have the evidence to prove it. But you must take ownership of your path and take the first step, only then can true training begin. Come and visit Tokon Martial Arts.


Enroll yourself, or even better your whole family today.

Call us at (916) 835 - 7717

or use the contact form below

Learn more about the great benefits of traditional Karate by reading  articles from below or visit our blog.

​Sensei Marcus Hinschberger also owns Taitoku Training. This is a coaching company that was designed to specifically help players in the business world increase productivity through a curriculum filled with self-development and self-transformation classes, team training classes and leadership classes.

This curriculum has helped companies increase productivity, teamwork and resultantly profits.

If you know any CEOs or corporations that want to take it to the next level, ask them to visit ​Taitoku or contact Sensei Marcus directly at info@TaitokuTraining.com.

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